Hi. I've been running a server that keeps having the issue of dinos just dying and also not spawning. Leading to a mostly barren Map.
I had a nice server running and decided to change maps and mods. I moved to the Hope map and put on Pugnacia, Parados, Gondwana, and then some various other mods that did not touch dinos at all.
Pretty soon the dinos dying/never spawning became evident. Even with Dino spawns at 1.4. So I removed the two dino mods I'm not familiar with(Parados and Gondwana), but kept everything the same. Same issue. So, figuring the map was the problem I Wiped and moved to Ragnarock. Kept Pugnacia and also Parados. Again, dinos waste away till only bugs, trilos, and the occasional Pugnacia dino.
So, I then remove Parados and put in Gaia. I know those two play nice as I've been on another server, hosted here, that has those two(plus Primal Fear). AND I wipe again.
Same thing. In fact I went away from a Gaia Snail only to return a few minutes later to find it's corpse. There was NOTHING around it that would have killed it and not eaten the corpse(used Dino tracker's show wild dinos feature).
I'm wondering if some file that I can't interact with, save via FTP has gotten fubar and I need to ask for a totally new server space.
Any thoughts?