Guys, listen. We all have servers. I just wanted to point out what mod means. Mod= Modification. That is a modification to the way the game was INTENDED to be played. It doesn't matter how popular, good, etc, a mod still changes things. Sometimes a mod will not have the same result in the same situation for no other reason than, well, who knows, it is a mod. I see the forum full of people, noobs, that are screaming and yelling cause they cant figure out how to make their server run, then they want to bad mouth support, which believe me, support and I are not always on the best terms, but at the same time, you have to realize 1 thing:
you pay for a server and server support, you do not pay for ARK and Mod support. If the server is not running due to mods, that is YOUR issue, not the servers. The server has a very easy job and is usually fail proof, then, people add mods, don't know why it doesn't work, don't even spend more than 1 hour trying to get it to start, then want to blame someone else for their lack of knowledge, ability, and general common sense. I mean seriously, let me add 30 different modifications to my server, then let me cry when it wont work, and then let me cry some more cause I didn't even take the time to learn the basics about server commands, or how to keep them running, then, on top of that, let me get other people to play on it too, so I can waste more peoples time when I have to wipe it cause I didn't know what I was doing in the first place and support wont hold my hand. Get real guys.
If it don't apply, let it fly.