Hi there i was wondering if there was a Kits,Shops Plugin i can use for linux as arkservers.io doesnt support Arkapi
Hi there i was wondering if there was a Kits,Shops Plugin i can use for linux as arkservers.io doesnt support Arkapi
Hi Bacon,
currently there is no linux based API that's publicly available for us to even consider adding! If this changes, we will look into the option. Sorry.
.Odysseus. then there is no application like Arkapi to put kits and store on the server Will that application be added to be able to put the kits and the store?
Actually there is a mod that offers you ability to make Kits and Many Many other things for players to buy/use. I have also found a way using this to allow them to buy/sell/trade these points amongest each other which establishes a server currency.
The mod you seek is called: TC Reward Vault
And it will solve your problems.
FYI: Those api programs called Plug-ins are NOT worth having and will not work on hosted servers anyways.
Anyone interested in Ark server tips or advice, need a forum built free with steam login Add me on Steam or Discord.
I second [TC Auto Rewards]
Mod Link - https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=1260983937
Its an amazing mod and has really easy customization options. You can alter individual player point bonuses in case you have a player rank system set up. Easy to retrieve shop pack data and copy it to all your servers!
Just a heads up. There are some mods that are not compatible with TAR, but not many.
Good luck! Have fun!