I want to verify that I am not blind and just overlooked it, but there is no feature to install mods on 7D2D servers you all host correct?
I want to verify that I am not blind and just overlooked it, but there is no feature to install mods on 7D2D servers you all host correct?
7D2D uses a completely manual Mod installation system due to the fact TheFunPimps do not use SteamWorkshop. In fact, the only really central way to find mods for the game is through TFPs official forum.
Add on to that, mods for 7D2D require you to have a seperate installation of the game for each mod setup.
The best way to run a modded server is to be up front with your community the mod list you use, have links to a trusted source for themods, and to run the Mod Launcher on your desktop (It helps organize your various installations. I currently have 6 on my drive.)
Unless you're just using Modlets, then those are all done server side (And are just advanced setting tweaks and GUI arrangements using pre-existing assets in the game.)
If you're looking into 7D2D modding, I'll admit it's very non-norm for current day games to be done this way, but the mods are really impressive.
Though, do know since A18 is JUST around the corner of a stable release, that most if not all the mods are going to break until someone redoes them. In some cases it's a simple update in a version setting. In other cases (Like ValMod) it may simply never be done.
No worries.
I do want to mention that though there is not a feature specific to this host for installing Mods, that you can still install mods on the servers using the SFTP service provided.
You'll just want to make sure your server is not set to automatically fix files on restart, as this will prevent the control panel from removing foreign files that are not part of the Vanilla install.
If you are comfortable with how the game files are set up, you can do like I do and use FTP to upload your mods. I use a few mods that have to be installed both on the server and the local computers for compatibility. I run a private, passworded server, so I know who is joining my server and I can let them know what mods they need to install locally via our VOIP server (TS3). Arkservers also gives you a webpage to pass along where you can list your mods if you are wanting to run a public server and let the folks know what they need to install.
Some mods work great, some don't. Play with it, experiment, have fun learning. There were some good mods that I liked, that just don't work anymore with the new updates. Hopefully the mod authors catch up to the new releases.
MagSynchro gave you some great advice above, the only thing I'll add is to also turn off Auto-Update. This will keep your server at the version YOU want! Also take his advice and turn off the setting to automatically fix files on restart!
Have fun, don't be afraid of trying new stuff out!
Also, besides TFPS, Nexus also lists 7D2D mods.