So I ran across the following steam article( and was going to try and apply these changes to my server through the "Expert" tab. Although I had a few questions before proceeding,
Launch Codes - 1.I've already added the launch codes, so that shouldn't be an issue.
Engine.ini - 2. It mentions altering the Engine.ini file, I know this file isn't located within the ArkServers management interface, so I manually changed my own. I know by doing so, this won't affect my entire server, but will my server overwrite my Engine.ini file once I connect/restart my server? or does this file only live on my Local Machine?
GameUserSettings.ini - 3. Towards the bottom of the form post it mentions changing the GameUserSettings.ini file, I know I CAN'T do this via SFTP because it will just overwrite my changes once I re-upload my server files.The thing that throws me for a loop, is that [/script/shootergame.shootergameusersettings] already exists by default within my GameUserSettings.ini file on the "Expert" Tab. So if I try and add the recommended changes, will they negate each other since there are 2 instances of [/script/shootergame.shootergameusersettings] within my ini file, or does duplicate Brackets not matter? I wouldn't be adding [SessionSettings] SessionName=ARK #563569
[/script/engine.gamesession] MaxPlayers=70
[AdminPassword] Password= ServerPassword=
Just the [ScalabilityGroups] and [/script/shootergame.shootergameusersettings] section.
I'm aware that I'm trying to "overwrite" a lot of the default GameUserSettings.ini that are set by default within our Server Manager interface, but I'm just trying to verify that they won't revert or conflict with one another.
Sorry for my drawn out explanation, i'd be more than willing to elaborate more with screenshots if needed.