I will be suspending my account until this is fixed.
Rediculious lag for everyone with no information, no communication.
I will be suspending my account until this is fixed.
Rediculious lag for everyone with no information, no communication.
Log a ticket ? Maybe something wrong with server. WE have a cluster and we have no problems, we used to have our server hosted at another provider and had massive lag . We found it had to do with our rates, we had them at X50 which meant every time someone mined a rock would cause the server to lag
Im having the same issue. Ive contacted them and they said to "move" the server. I did. It did nothing. I really liked how easy this is to set up and play but its unplayable when not only do you rubber band, but it literally freezes the game for 1-2 mins at a time for everyone on the server and you come back to being eaten. :( I may be moving hosts today sadly.
Same. Cancelling my server as well and requesting credit. After 5 min, came lags and freezes. Then restarts. Over and over again.
We're having the same issue as well, serious lag and rubber banding, ping spikes upwards of 255. We removed our mods and relocated several times per their request, still no fix. The game is unplayable in this state. Only 5 people use the server.
Same here. One of my players just made me aware the pings have been spiking at around 250 - 260 creating horrible lag. Hopefully they figure something out.
Sorry, guys! What happened was Ark's average memory consumption has been going waaay up (over 5.6GB RAM on average now, some servers exceeding 10GB of RAM) and machines that have been stable for a long time suddenly started running out of memory. When that happens, they start using swap space and everything gets really hairy. We have new hardware online and we're trying to rebalance people, but we need your help to do it. We can't move you to a different machine without your consent because your IP will change, but you can move yourself from our control panel.
I haven't heard any complaints from the people who have been placed on the new hardware, so I think all will be good after you do the move.
I know some of you are saying that you've already moved and it didn't help, but if you did the move before today, you just got moved from one full machine onto another. Like I said, we've been scrambling to get more hardware online because Ark is taking up way more RAM than it used to.
yeah same you guys should get a aussie regon going i cant stand sa server im hosting im sick of it
I'm pretty sure something changed recently (within the last week) with regard to the Ragnarok map. It's either become more popular, or started consuming more memory -- I'm not sure which, but that's the source of all the problems. The Ragnarok users have been hit the hardest, but others got hit as well if they were unlucky enough to share a machine with a bunch of Ragnarok users.
I'm still adding hardware as fast as I can, not sure what else to do for the moment.
Now the server is crashing & restarting on its own ever 30 minutes. This is terrible.